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Serving Florida and Nationwide
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Holding Insurance Companies Accountable For The Coverage They Promised and The Benefits You Deserve. Serving Florida and Nationwide.

Eating Disorder Insurance Claims Attorneys in Florida and Nationwide

Eating Disorder Insurance Claims Attorneys

At Disability Insurance Law Group, our Florida and nationwide health and eating disorder insurance claims attorneys represent policyholders in Florida and throughout the United States, because we understand the challenges individuals with these syndromes face when seeking medical care.

According to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD), eating disorders are syndromes characterized by severe disturbances in eating behavior and by distress or excessive concern about body shape or weight and often occur with other severe medical or psychiatric diseases or conditions at the same time.

Our Florida and nationwide health insurance claims lawyers know that eating disorders affect people of every age, race, size, gender identity, sexual orientation, and background, impacting 9% of the U.S. population, or 28.8 million Americans.

The question is, why are so many health insurance companies denying their policyholders the treatment coverage they need to properly address their eating disorders and overall mental health?

Unfortunately, the answer is as old as time: They simply do not want to pay for it. And, unfortunately for their policyholders, the insurance companies are getting away with it.

We want to help you obtain the insurance coverage you are entitled to from your health insurance policy, so you can address all your healthcare needs without the challenge of paying for your treatment out-of-pocket.

No matter where you live or work in the U.S., contact our experienced health and eating disorder insurance claims attorneys today to get the help you need. We are here to help produce real results for real people who need our help.

What is Classified as an Eating Disorder?

The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) researchers reported eating disorders are among the deadliest mental illnesses, second only to opioid overdose.

Commonly diagnosed eating disorders include, but are not limited to:

  • Anorexia nervosa (AN)
  • Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID)
  • Binge eating disorder (BID)
  • Bulimia nervosa (BN)
  • Pica
  • Rumination disorder
  • Unspecified feeding or eating disorder (UFED)

While eating disorders are diagnosed, often with a coexisting mental health condition, insurance companies are wrongfully denying, delaying, or prematurely discontinuing coverage of those who have been afflicted by these difficult illnesses, leaving patients and their loved ones without care, or paying for the treatment they need out-of-pocket.

At Disability Insurance Law Group, our team of experienced health insurance attorneys serves individual clients, their families, and treatment facilities to obtain the healthcare coverage promised under health benefit policies. Our eating disorder insurance claims attorneys in Florida represent policyholders throughout the United States, because we know how important treatment is to their recoveries, their overall livelihoods, and their quality of life. Contact us today for help.

Can Insurance Companies Legally Deny Eating Disorder Treatment Claims?

Since research has proven eating disorders are associated with some of the highest levels of medical and social disabilities of any psychiatric disorder, Congress passed the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) in 1996.

The MHPAEA includes a law that requires insurance plans to provide the same annual and lifetime overall limits for mental health benefits as for other health conditions.

In short, this means eating disorders should receive healthcare coverage and research funding that is equal to that of medical disorders and psychiatric conditions categorized as serious forms of mental illness.

The reality is, throughout the U.S.:

  • About 26% of people with eating disorders attempt suicide.
  • 10,200 deaths each year are the direct result of an eating disorder — that is one death every 52 minutes.

Under the MHPAEA, which now applies to most group and individual health insurance policies through the Affordable Care Act (ACA), if your policy provides mental health coverage, your insurance carrier is not permitted to administer that coverage more stringently than the coverage provided for the treatment of physical conditions.

However, insurance companies have largely ignored these protections, failed to properly follow the law, and continued to wrongfully delay or deny essential treatment to patients.

We aggressively fight on our clients’ behalf to protect their rights under their policies and the law, because we understand that treatment saves lives. Contact us today to learn more about your legal rights and options to pursue your health insurance coverage for your ongoing eating disorder treatment, so you can take back control of your life.

Is Your Health Insurance Policy Governed by ERISA?

Employer-provided insurance policies are often governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).

Any policy purchased on an individual basis is likely not governed by ERISA. Why does it matter? Because ERISA places very stringent obligations on claimants. If ERISA governs your policy, you may find yourself facing unexpected roadblocks in your pursuit of the benefits you need.

When you are filing a claim under an ERISA policy — especially when the claim involves an eating disorder — it is critical to include the right information in the right way. Any detail that you leave out of your appeal may not come into court later, at the trial stage. Let Disability Insurance Law Group help.

Even if your policy is not governed by ERISA, you may have additional state law remedies of which you are unaware, which are important to establish before a lawsuit.

While it is common for treatment facilities to file insurance appeals on behalf of their patients, we help patients and their families to take a more active role. If vital details are not included in your appeal, this could significantly jeopardize your case. As such, we strongly encourage you to contact us early to understand your rights and obligations under the law and your policy.

If your eating disorder claim was denied by your insurance company, it is worthwhile to have an experienced lawyer review your case and determine if your insurance company violated the law.

Contact our skilled health and eating disorder insurance claims denial attorneys in Florida and nationwide today by calling 954-989-9000 or contact us online to schedule a completely free and confidential case assessment, so we can put our over 50 years of combined experience to work for you.

We also offer the services for:

Frequently Asked Questions For Our Healthcare And Eating Disorder Attorneys in Florida and Nationwide

How Do I Obtain a Copy of My Insurance Benefits to See if Eating Disorder Treatment is Covered by My Policy?

A copy of your insurance benefits should be provided to you when you first enroll in coverage. If you do not have a copy, you may log on to your provider’s website – when applicable – to download a copy of your policy. You may also speak with your insurance representative and ask for a copy to be emailed/mailed to you for review. If your health insurance is provided by your employer, speak to someone in the HR department to obtain a copy.

Can the Insurance Company Claim My Eating Disorder is a Pre-existing Condition, and Therefore Is Not Covered?

As of 2014, ACA prohibits insurance companies from excluding anyone with a pre-existing medical condition from coverage. If your insurance company reports they will not cover a pre-existing condition, they are violating several laws. Contact our dedicated eating disorder insurance claims attorneys for help today.

Can I Appeal a Denied Eating Disorder Insurance Claim?

Yes. As more insurance companies continue to unfairly and wrongfully deny, delay, or prematurely discontinue coverage for policyholders with eating disorders, our skilled health insurance claims attorneys are appealing these unjust claims for individuals across the country. We can help you pursue a health insurance appeal too, starting with a free consultation to learn more about your claim.

Do Eating Disorders Qualify for Short- or Long-Term Disability Benefits?

The specific mental illnesses eligible for short- or long-term disability coverage vary vastly from company to company, but clinical depression is one of the conditions that could be more likely to receive coverage. Clinical depression may become debilitating and make it difficult to perform basic life tasks.

Anxiety, eating disorders, substance abuse, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can also impact one’s ability to work and may allow them to qualify for benefits. Coverage largely depends on each company and the benefits available.

Can My Insurance Company Cancel My Coverage for Pursuing Treatment for an Eating Disorder?

According to the ACA, it is against the law for a health insurance company to cancel health insurance anytime. This is especially true in cases where a policyholder accidentally left out medical information or documents when applying for health insurance coverage. A health insurance company may cancel a policyholder’s health insurance plan if they failed to make monthly payments on their premiums, intentionally omitted or misrepresented information when applying, or committed health insurance fraud. Even then, the policyholder is entitled to file an appeal. If they win, the health insurance cannot be canceled.

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  • 3201 W. Commercial Blvd. Suite 227
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
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