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(954) 989-9000
Serving Florida and Nationwide
Call For A Free Consultation (954) 989-9000

Holding Insurance Companies Accountable For The Coverage They Promised and The Benefits You Deserve. Serving Florida and Nationwide.

PTSD Disability Claims Attorneys Representing Policyholders Throughout the U.S.

At Disability Insurance Law Group, our nationwide claims attorneys know Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can develop after a person experiences or witnesses a traumatic event, including war, assault, or disaster.

Symptoms of PTSD include:

  • Agitation.
  • Flashbacks.
  • Headaches.
  • Intense distress at reminders of the trauma.
  • Intrusive thoughts or images.
  • Nervousness and anxiety.
  • Nightmares.
  • Physical sensations like pain, sweating, nausea, or trembling.
  • Problems with concentration or thinking.
  • Problems with memory.

Other symptoms of PTSD include:

  • Anger.
  • Fear.
  • Feeling detached or estranged from other people.
  • Intense emotional or physical reactions when reminded of the event.
  • Sadness.

To meet the criteria for PTSD, a person must have symptoms for longer than one month. The condition may last months or years, with triggers that can bring back memories of the trauma accompanied by intense emotional and physical reactions that significantly impact an individual’s ability to work.

This is where disability insurance can make an essential difference in their lives.

When a disability insurance claim is denied, it can physically, emotionally, and financially devastate people living with PTSD. We want to help.

PTSD Disability Claims Attorneys

Our national PTSD disability insurance attorneys assist policyholders through the U.S. in strategically submitting their claims by outlining the severity of their conditions, compiling the necessary medical records to support their disabilities, and negotiating with their private or employer-provided insurer to achieve the benefits they are entitled to for their impairment.

Call us today to learn more about how we have successfully produced real results for real people across the U.S. who need our help and how we can assist you in moving forward with confidence during a free consultation.

When is PTSD Considered an Impairment?

PTSD is a mental health condition that can develop after exposure to a traumatic event, and it is characterized by symptoms such as intrusive thoughts, nightmares, hyperarousal, and avoidance of reminders of the traumatic experience.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is considered an impairment when it significantly interferes with an individual’s ability to carry out daily activities, maintain employment, and engage in social interactions.

Mental health professionals, including psychiatrists, psychologists, and therapists, often make determinations of impairment due to PTSD. These professionals assess the impact of symptoms on various aspects of an individual’s life and functioning.

Here are some considerations for when PTSD may be considered an impairment:

  • Functional Impairment

If PTSD significantly impairs a person’s ability to perform basic activities of daily living (ADLs), such as maintaining personal hygiene, managing household tasks, and maintaining a regular routine, it may be considered an impairment.

  • Occupational Implications

PTSD can impact a person’s ability to work. If symptoms interfere with job performance, attendance, and the ability to interact with colleagues or customers, it may be viewed as an impairment.

  • Social and Interpersonal Functioning

PTSD can affect social interactions and relationships. It may be considered an impairment if it leads to isolation, strained relationships, or difficulty in participating in social activities.

  • Cognitive Functioning

Impaired cognitive functioning associated with PTSD, like difficulties in concentration, memory, and decision-making, can contribute to disability.

  • Safety Concerns

If PTSD poses safety concerns for the affected individual or others, it may be considered an impairment. For example, if someone is experiencing severe symptoms that increase the risk of self-harm or harm to others.

  • Duration and Severity

The duration and severity of PTSD symptoms are important considerations. Chronic or severe PTSD that persists over time and significantly impairs overall functioning may be viewed as an impairment.

  • Response to Treatment

The effectiveness of treatment in managing PTSD symptoms is also considered. If symptoms are not adequately controlled with treatment, it may contribute to the severity of impairment.

It is important to note that PTSD is a complex condition, and the impact can vary widely among individuals. Treatment options for PTSD may include psychotherapy, medication, and support services. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of PTSD, seeking professional help for a comprehensive evaluation and appropriate management is crucial. If you are filing a disability insurance claim based on your PTSD, or if your claim has already been denied, we can help.

Whether your disability insurance coverage was underwritten as a private or employer-provided policy, we have over 50 years of combined experience pursuing all insurance coverages and corporations for the benefits policyholders nationwide deserve.

At Disability Insurance Law Group, we also offer insurance claims for the following conditions:

Contact our Skilled PTSD Disability Insurance Attorneys Today

Contact our national PTSD disability insurance attorneys today by calling 954-989-9000 or contact us online to schedule a free and confidential case assessment so we can put our legal skills and resources to work for you — no matter where you live or work in the U.S.

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  • 3201 W. Commercial Blvd. Suite 227
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
Call For A Free Consultation (954) 989-9000

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